56th Annual Winter Golf Tournament
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Petersburg, Florida, and SNF Lodge #208 are hosts of this winter’s golf tournament at the Florida West Coast Innisbrook Golf Resort! Registration for the tournament is first-come, first-serve; the field is limited to 144 golfers! To participate in the tournament, you must be a member in good standing of the Serb National Federation (SNF).
Each golfer MUST have a unique email address to register.
If you wish to make only one payment for your foursome, please call the SNF office to register at 412-458-5227.
Your ticket purchased through the website includes: 3 days of golf, cart, entry to all evening social events, and the awards banquet. The tournament will consist of a 54-hole event, governed by U.S.G.A. regulations and supervised by the course professional and the SNF athletic committee. Pairings and starting times will be e-mailed to every golfer who has indicated a valid e-mail address. They will also be posted at golfer registration, all evening social events, and at the golf course.
The entry fee for SNF Members is $580.00. Priority registration will be given to SNF members from now until December 1, 2024. The entry fee for guests is $630.00, and guest registration will open on December 2, 2024.
Guest players will be placed in the Non-Compete division and will not be eligible to win awards. Guest players will be allowed to play one golf event as a Guest and will have to become a member to play in future golf events.
Entry fees are not refundable after the entry deadline: Friday, January 24, 2025, at 4:00 PM EST. After this date, fees will then be declared forfeited. Entry fees are payable by check or money order to the SNF Athletic Fund. Please mail your check to:
920 Poplar St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
or email to nwuchenich@snflife.org.
SNF also accepts American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. You can pay by credit card through this site. Please note: a 3.30% processing fee will be added to all debit/credit card payments.
• NON-COMPETE – make your own foursome, play the same foursome every day, drink, and have fun with your friends. There is no award for this division.
Abbreviations –
• SR – Senior / Age 50-59
• SS – Super Seniors / Age 60-69
• CS – Classic Seniors / Age 70 and over
Hotel information
Innisbrook Resort
* Single – $265/night
* Double – $265/night
* Executive Suite – $332/night
* 2 Bedroom Suite – $479/night
( the above prices do not include 13% hotel tax and a $40/day resort fee )
To make Hotel reservations call –
Use code name – Serbian National Federation