Great news for writers: Slavisa Stepanovich of Chicago has announced the Serbian Classics Short Story Contest is accepting submissions of English language and Serbian language stories through December 31, 2024.
- There is no entry fee. Rules state that all submissions must have a Serbian theme or characters and that the author must be of Serbian descent or that the story must deal with members of the Serbian Diaspora in the USA and Canada.
- All submissions must be the sole creative work of the submitting author.
- Only stories that have never been published elsewhere are eligible. Stories written with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence are ineligible.
- Each submission must be written as fiction, even if the events described have documentary sources.
- The maximum word count is 7,500 words.
- Multiple submissions by a single author will be accepted.
- Simultaneous submissions (stories sent simultaneously to other contests or for publication) will be accepted. But, you must notify Mr. Stepanovich if your story is accepted for publication elsewhere before the end of this contest.
- By entering the contest, the author grants Serbian Classics first publication rights if the story is selected as a winner or finalist.
- The author grants Serbian Classics the right to use the name and likeness of the author on its website, social media, and publicity.
- Each submission must adhere to standard manuscript formatting: 12 point font, double spacing, 1” margins, indented paragraphs, and no blank lines between paragraphs.
Entries should be submitted in Word format and emailed as a file attachment to Please do not paste your story into the body of the email.
- In your cover email, please include the following information:
Title of Story
Email address
First Name, Last Name; Nom de plume (if applicable)
Mailing Address, Phone Number
75-word biography
Entries that fail to adhere to these rules will not be accepted.
Awards are based upon various criteria as well as the judges’ decisions which are final. Judges do not provide written reviews of the short stories that are entered. Deadline is December 31, 2024.
First Prize: $500
Second Prize: $250
Third Prize: $100
Winning entries will be published in book form by Serbian Classics.

Questions may be directed to